Today's podcast episode is about not compromising yourself and being your most authentic self.

Your life's purpose requires your full authenticity.

Pay attention to the parts of your life where you are compromising yourself.

What is the fastest way for people to give up their personal power? It's through money. Money is a powerful topic that reflects how and where we compromise ourselves by giving away our personal power because of our attachments to money and survival.

There is an old belief about money and compromising ourselves that we collectively need to transcend. We can no longer trade our time for money, we can no longer work jobs or build businesses just because it rewards us financially.

We must shift our thinking collectively from thinking we have to trade something to get something. We cannot trade our self-worth, self-respect, or our life's purpose for money.

How many people don't like their jobs or their businesses, but they do it because it provides a comfortable lifestyle for them? This compromise will lead to the exchange of our purpose for financial security. The trade-off robs us of our life's purpose.

There is a new belief system the collective consciousness is adopting at this time as we transition into the "Golden Age" and that is about embracing our life's purpose. We must value our authenticity, speak our truth, and creatively express ourselves because that is far more important than financial gain. So to our BIG ONES, we encourage you to put massive value on yourself and fulfill your special mission.

Make no compromises about what you're here for, because you have a special purpose.

If you know you're a "BIG ONE" and have a special purpose to fulfill during your lifetime, your role in bringing in a New Earth and creating massive change is vital for evolving human consciousness. You know that your life's purpose is much greater than spending your precious time working for money.

And you know that in order for you to fulfill your life's purpose and manifest the vision God has given you, you cannot compromise who you are and who you came here to be.

Every time you honor your own value, your value increases, and your sense of self-worth. However, every time you disrespect yourself, your values, and your life's purpose, you compromise yourself.

Don't compromise your life's purpose and what you came here to do and become.

We challenge you, BIG ONE, to look at where you have been compromising yourself. Whether it's with relationships you feel have been holding you back, a job or business that's not fulfilling you, or even how you treat yourself, look at where you have been compromising yourself.

What are the changes you need to make in order to fulfill your life's purpose?

Who do you need to become in order to fulfill your life's purpose?

How will life be for you moving forward as you embark on your journey to living a life with purpose?

If you know you're a BIG ONE and you're ready to unleash your Life Purpose but need support, we got you.

Say YES to your Life Purpose and join the support community.

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If you know you're a BIG ONE and you're ready to unleash your Life Purpose but need support, we got you.

Say YES to your Life Purpose and start your 14-day free trial today. 😃

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